We can't wait to meet you!
Administrative Assistant
Women's Ministry President
Men's Ministry President
Greeters/Security Director
Missions Director
Usher Director
Landon Caudle, Youth Pastor, meets with Collide (ages 13-19) Tuesday nights from 7-8:30. Includes interactive Bible Study, games, refreshments.
Andrea Caudle, Children's Pastor meets with KidQuest (ages 4-12) on Wednesday nights from 6-7:30 for Fun Bible Lesson, music, crafts, games, refreshments. On Sundays, she directs Kid's Church with rotating teachers, Mallory Moose & Wendy Scronce, also with lesson, music, crafts and refreshments.
Tina Powell, W.M. President meets with the ladies the 3rd Sunday of each month at 5 pm. Much is accomplished for many areas of the church, along with Ministry of Blessing Bags for Cancer patients quarterly.
Led by Tim Mace, President. Joined by Board members, Darrell Hancock, V. President and Barney Powell, Treasurer. Men's Ministry supports the church with fundraisers, repairs, fellowship outings, helping out other departments, etc. They labor in God's vineyard with love and joy.
Barbara "Bootsie" Ingle, Director is busy with her board with fundraisers to help with Shoes for Africa, Blue Ribbon ministry to bring hostages home, Crisis Pregnancy Center donations and more!
Perry Caudle, Director with a team of smiling faces to welcome you and be available for assistance with any questions or needs.
Donald Scronce, Director leading a group of men to receive your giving to the Lord's work.
© 2024-2025 Victory Life Church | Powered by
What are our service times?
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | At Church and Online
Where do I park?
If you’re a first-time visitor, turn on your hazards once you get here and we'll have a parking lot attendant help guide you to your VIP spot!
What about my kids?
We are for your family! We've created a safe and enjoyable service for kids where they can worship and grow in their understanding of God!
Is there a dress code?
We want you to feel comfortable. Whether that means jeans and a t-shirt, business casual or suit and tie, as long as you are actually wearing clothes, you will fit right in.
Will I have to say anything, sign anything or be singled out in any way?
You can breathe easy, the answer is no! Your level of engagement is completely up to you. But if and when you're ready to take a step, we'll be ready!
Pastor Tommy A. Scronce was born and raised in Vale, North Carolina where he grew up on the family farm with his father, mother and two older brothers. He pursued the Lord’s calling and enrolled in Holmes Bible College, Greenville, SC. It was at Holmes College that he was awarded a special Merit in recognition of a life of “humble servitude, exemplifying living for others.” He also demonstrated “practical Christianity with a consistent attitude of pleasantness, cooperation and appreciation.” In his years at Holmes, Tommy earned a reputation for “selfless service with distinction” and was awarded a first-time honor of Holmes celebrating this spirit.
Pastor Scronce has been preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for 33 years. He is well-known throughout the community and surrounding areas as the “hardest working Pastor”, doing physical labor wherever and whenever it’s needed. He ministers daily to the homeless, sick, rejected, and hurting displaying love in action. His love for God’s Word and people is displayed in his desire to win souls and see lives changed for the glory of God. Pastor Tommy Scronce is unquestionably “a man after God’s own heart.”
Has Bible, Will Preach!
Landon Caudle graduated from Long Shoals Wesleyan Academy before joining the Army. Despite initially straying from his calling to preach, Landon found his way back to God and now serves at Victory Life Church ministering to youth. He is married to Megan and they have two children. Landon is available for weekend revivals, sharing powerful messages of hope and personal experiences. You can reach him at 704-530-6476 for services and your prayers are appreciated.
Andrea's passion for working with children began at a young age when she started teaching ages 3-5 in her church at just 14 years old. This early experience sparked a lifelong commitment to education and nurturing young minds.
For over 15 years, Andrea has dedicated herself to teaching in private Christian schools, providing a loving and enriching environment for her students to thrive. In addition to her school teaching, Andrea has also spent over 15 years planning and running summer camps for both schools and churches, creating unforgettable experiences for children of all ages.
Her dedication to enriching the lives of children extends beyond the classroom, as Andrea has also organized numerous vacation Bible school programs, spreading the message of faith and love to young hearts. Furthermore, she has used her creative talents to write and direct plays and musicals for children of various ages, fostering their imagination and creativity.
Above all, Andrea's love for children shines through in all she does, taking her role as a teacher and mentor seriously. She is guided by the words of Psalm 127:3, which reminds her that children are a precious gift from the Lord, and she is grateful for the opportunity to nurture and guide them on their journey.